Lee generated a lot of questions but wasn’t transparent in giving answers, one of the reasons for his recall. We listed some below:
Aren’t all the City Council bought and paid for by the vacation rental industry and realtors, except for Lee?
FALSE. All elected officials file a Form 700 every year they serve in order to document where their income is for transparency in conflicts of interest. Search the FPPC Form Filings for the each City Councilmember to see the sources of their money – select “City of Big Bear Lake” under the Agency field.
City Council meetings have always been long, typically lasting until midnight or 2am. This isn’t Lee’s fault.
FALSE. One reason, bloviation. See an example of Lee’s waste of time & $$. This stopped once the City Council were forced to put rules in place to end meetings by 10pm and limit member speaking times.
The City Council members always say that Lee is harassing them and the City employees, but isn’t Lee the one being bullied?
FALSE. There are many facts to share but the most impactful was the public meeting in which City Council discussed the reasons for Lee’s official Reprimand. Watch and listen for yourself: Council Meeting 2/25/2022.
The realtors and vacation rental industry is behind Lee’s recall. There are no valid reasons, no justification or proof.
FALSE. We are full-time locals, from retired to working, and nearly all of us are in District 1. Some of us even voted for Lee, and sorely regret our mistake. Lee was recalled for voter fraud, violations of the Brown Act, Public Records Act, violence, harassment, and more. Read the main Grounds for Recall and the linked documentation.
What other questions do you have or want to know? Residents@RECALLee.com